Monday, October 18, 2010

facebook giveaway + work in progress pic

Hello my dearies I'm hosting another print giveaway on my facebook fanpage. You know the drill ;)
(leave a comment on this picture and I'll pick a winner on Wednesday)

On another note, I haven't been keeping up with blogging lately, I've been painting like a maniac and traveling a little bit. But now I'm home and ready to finish up this piece. I have like 30249 paintings in my head that I can't wait to do!!!



Frida said...

oh my. those feathers are amazing!

Anonymous said...

ugh I cant wait for this to be finished. I check everyday. I think this will be the must have print of yours for me.


oh, my god, i´m a huge lover of the sea. this is the greatest idea!

La Cochoy (yayita!) said...

ok done!! can't wait!

Clovermittens said...

i love it i love it i love it i loooove ittt :))) this is truuully amazing wow! I loove it :)

Fedde van den Brink said...

how do you get so much detials in the tattoo parts?

Kelli Murray said...

I am in love with this piece Charmaine! What a great concept!

Windsor Grace said...

OMG, it's sooo beautiful! You're incredibly talented!

Anonymous said...

Charmaine, do you freehand pencil everything before you start a painting? What kind of wood and aesil do you use?

Amelie said...

this is incredible, i've never seen something like that!

beatricepl said...
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beatricepl said...

OH GOD! I just see that post.. too late!
Damn I'm dying to have this one too... my favorite after the deer (that I just received, thank's again!)
I just post about it :P
I'm in love with all of theme! Terrific!


Anonymous said...

holy hell, update your blog already!

charmaine olivia said...


MY said...

How do you do? I mean, these are the most increible paintings i've never seen in blogger -I had to explain, I like other kind of painting too.

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