Friday, October 29, 2010

Feathers & Skulls - finished

Yeah, yeah, I know. I've been a terrible blogger lately. Not going to make up any excuses here. 
To quote one of my lovely Anonymous readers "Holy hell, update your blog already!" 
So here's to you! ;)

Finished this piece a little bit ago, but to be honest I couldn't really look at it anymore. it took me quite a while, which I'm now learning isn't the best thing for me. My wandering eye distracts me and I start fantasizing about the paintings I want to do next. I then start to lose interest in the one I'm working on and the motivation isn't really there anymore. BUT. I had fun. I tried new things, listened to new tunes, it was a grand ol' time. Here you go. Enjoy.

40" x 40" oil & ink on cherry panel

up close & personal

I had fun experimenting with glazing on this piece. I really loved it. I used a mixture of linseed oil & galkyd for the glazing medium, which worked really well. I first tried using straight galkyd and HATED it. Let me say that again. HATED it. It's super thick and sticky and annoying and doesn't blend properly and and and i'm done whining now. Luckily, you don't start glazing until the other layers are completely dry, so wiping it all off was a cinch. Then I tried linseed and oil and it melted my heart. So buttery and lovely. It really did the trick in smoothing out brush strokes. I ended up mixing it with a bit of the galkyd to give it more of a glossy/glazed finish. Anyway. Did about 3 or so layers of glaze on the face which was a lot of fun. I did some glazing on the body too, but not as much as I would have liked. But, like I said, couldn't look at it anymore ;)

You can see the glossyness of it here. But it's also difficult to get a good photo of it, as gloss LOVES to reflect light in all the wrong places ;)

Also, here is an update on some upcoming shows I'll be partcipating in (most are in the bay area):

November 4th - 4707 Telegraph, Oakland, CA 
December 4th, 2010 - Mezzanine, San Francisco, CA
December 2010 - 111 Minna, San Francisco, CA
Dec 2010, @ 323East Gallery, Royal Oak, MI
January 7th 2010 - C.A.V.E Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
January 2010 - Vessel, San Francisco, CA

Okay dearies, have a LOVELY Halloween! Don't get in to too much trouble. Or do. Whatever. 

Can't wait to show you my next piece I started. Get ready for Ophelia's evil twin pirate mermaid sister ;)



We Blog Artists said...

This is amazing!
I would love to meet this feathered beauty!
Does she exist?
seriously though...why aren'y you coming to Toronto on your exhibition tour?
Canadians would LOVE you!

Robyn said...

I'm constantly in awe of your work! You're amazingly talented! xx

charmaine olivia said...

aw I'd love to come to Toronto! Got a bunch of other shows lined up for next year, we'll see ;)

Anonymous said...

this is really beautiful

damn, i wish you could show in ny...i would love to see your work up close

Anonymous said...

Amazing! The feather details are absolutely divine. Sadly I don't think the tattoo adds anything to this piece, I would've liked it to be tattoo-less, but hey, you can't please everyone right :)

tobaccoandleather said...

Speechless! All i can think is amazing, amazing. I think a lot of people are the same with a piece of art that takes a long time, always wanting to start something new so don't beat yourself up about it! X

Nori Tsuka Ishizaka said...

Great work!! I really love your works :-)

Meagan Morrison said...

Wow this is really beautiful!! Self-taught artist my goodness, you go girl. I'm studying fashion illustration at FIT in New York. You would probably love it. You can check out my work at!! Take care, Meag xx

Amy Hood said...

So beautiful!

Rachael Speirs said...

Hey pal,
a fellow artist I know just discovered walnut oil and she highly recommends it, it really saturates color.
gorgeous piece but I totally know what you are talking about when it comes to length of time, sometimes you get those pieces that you could work on for the rest of your life, and then sometimes you just want something to be over with.
Rachael speirs

Jared said...

this painting came out wonderful! your control over oils is very good. excellent rendering :)
i do love seeing your, its inspirational.

ian said...

Hi there, I was just passing by and i got this story nice, I enjoyed reading it.

Me said...

Wow! You are so good with oil paints! Isn't Adriana Lima like one of the prettiest girls! The only thng I wish you did different was your reference. Its kinda wierd that you used a magazine cover for the big part of your picture. But I would totally buy a print if i had money ):

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