I got this little Konica camera at a thrift store the other day, and Joe and I have been having fun playing around with it. I must say, I am quite impressed with it. Best $3.99 I've ever spent ;)
A sunny afternoon at Dolores Park. Just eating a lollipop and taking a break from Scrabble.
How amazing is this trunk?! (And when did my hair get so dark?)
This game was amazing. Apparently it's called "Bananagrams" but we modified it a bit. (okay, completely changed it). Here are the rules. All tiles face down, one a time you pick up a tile and try and guess the letter! Didn't guess right? Take a drink. (Worst drinking game ever, but highly entertaining).
In case you didn't know. I'm a LOST fanatic. I seriously look forward to Tuesdays like a kid anticipates Christmas. I was about to go on a Lost rant about how much I loved last weeks episode, but I stopped myself. You're welcome.
ooh i'm glad you didn't got on a lost rant because i haven't seen any of the new episodes yet, eep!
awesome picture too :)
Made me smile to visit you, hello to San Francisco!
What pretty bikes and parks and girls and your pictures.
Miss SF so so much. Especially my little bedroom up in the clouds overlooking Golden Gate Park. I called it my Princess Palace.
Fun and Games; and thanks, for not going on an "I heart LOST" rave...
Cool camera - fun post!
I'm making a Dharma patch for my coat! But I can't decide which station to choose?
Also, winter's over, so I probably won't get to wear it until after the show's over. :/
Do it mathew!
holy shit i'm on this photo
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